The Good Dinosaur ( 9.5 of 10 stars)
This movie was more than good; it was amazing! This is one of my new favorite Disney Pixar movies. It was emotional, adorable, and beautifully animated. I loved how the backgrounds looked so realistic and the characters were animated so awesome! Yes, this movie made me cry like every other Pixar movie.I really like how the characters are so simple with awesome personalities. Arlo is so cute and his problems with the chicken things are pretty hilarious. He develops a lot throughout the movie, but I won't give any spoilers. Spot is probably my favorite character besides Arlo because he's so protective of Arlo and will do anything for him. He also looks like my little brother, so that makes me like him a bit more. What I think is cool is how the dinosaurs act more like humans and the humans act more like animals. Ramsey and Nash are really funny and act like how a brother and sister really do act: fighting almost all the time. Butch is serious at first, but softens up when he spends more time with Arlo. The T-rexes act and are animated like cowboys, how they have thick country accents and they run like they're riding on horses. Thunderclap is a little creepy to me with all of his "The storm provides" thing, his freaky facial features, and how he always wants to eat Arlo and Spot. I think Arlo's family, his dad, mom, brother, and sister, are pretty cool because they have their own little trait that I like about them, even though they're kind of mean to him at first.
I love the scenes with the fireflies, when they run through the grass, making them glow. Spot and Arlo's relationship is so awesome because they are always there for each other. By the way, I did not expect the ending here. I was almost freaking out in the theater because I didn't know what would happen! Pixar has definitely done it again with this amazing movie, making it far more than good in my mind.