The Boxtrolls ( 8 of 10 stars)

This movie will make you laugh your box off! It was funny, action-packed, and had amazing characters. Eggs was very nice and a little bit of an airhead in the human world. Winnie was one of those girls who doesn't need a bodyguard but was still sweet. ( Elle Fanning did a great job with her!) Archibald Snatcher was a total wacko over getting that white hat; it's a hat that lets you eat cheese, for crying out loud! Lord Portley-Rind was very uncaring about his daughter at first, but then loosens up. I loved the boxtrolls, they were so funny and surprisingly smart.
I thought it was cool how the boxtrolls are named by the picture on their box, like Oil Can and Shoe. Baby Eggs was so cute! ( Had to let that out.) I loved how Eggs and Fish, the boxtroll, had made a little music room over the years. Snatcher's reaction to cheese was NOT pretty; you have been warned. Anyway, this is an amazing movie and I think everyone should see it. "Jelly!"
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